From here on, you'll be able to see the progress from street level as we head up the 19 floors to the rooftop SKY LOUNGE.
Over the past 6 weeks the GWH team, it's Integrated Partners, Hunter Precast & Hunter Install plus, our preferred contractors and suppliers have completed the basement raft slab, the 2400sqm basement level 1 (including the carpark ramps & lift core) and now this week completing the 2400sqm ground floor. In all that's 3070 cubic metres of concrete and over 700 tonnes of steel reinforcement.
The team have also decommissioned the temporary basement de-watering system. This means the basement is now watertight and the retaining walls and hydrostatic raft slab are working as they should.
The next major milestone the GWH team are working towards is the level 3 podium. Weather permitting they'll be targeting a structural floor every 14 days.
Enjoy a backstage pass to upcoming projects developments and more.