16 July | news

A new position in a changing market

GWH is 23 years old this year, and over that time from our humble beginnings, the construction and development industry has changed significantly. We have, and continue to operate successfully in an industry that evolves and changes quickly. 

Even so, in October last year, we made the decision to stop, pause and reflect on where our business stood in the market, and to reflect on how we are best going to operate successfully for the next 23 years in this ever-changing landscape. As part of this reflection, we undertook the largest change management program in our company’s history. A key focus of this was a complete overhaul of our brand strategy as well as a full review of our purpose our values and our audience value proposition. We wanted to rediscover the ‘Why’ of ‘what’ we do.

One of the proudest moments for me personally through this process was not only uncovering our GWH ‘why’ but importantly hearing from various GWH team members what it means to them to be a part of the GWH family. This was truly humbling but at the same time also showed there were many opportunities for us to build on our great culture, our strong team environment, and our very solid reputation for what we do.

The rebranding program first required us to describe ‘what’ we do and ‘how’ we do it. This was the easy part – ‘why’ we do ‘what’ we do, was a far deeper process but a wonderful journey which ultimately uncovered the true values of GWH. It revealed who we are and specifically what we set out to achieve. To help us unpack this, we commissioned an external consultancy (The Brand Sensemaker) to help us see the trees for the woods, and ultimately to aid us to highlight what our “true” values are. These core values came very naturally to us and make complete sense to us as an organisation.

12 months ago GWH Team Members undertook an anonymous survey of various aspects of the business. The results, both positive and negative, were fantastic and I would like to think that we have, and continue to, make significant inroads into addressing items raised, taking advice and implementing suggested actions and systems. Listening to our team and customers is fundamentally important to us, and we pride ourselves on actioning feedback in the pursuit of continual improvement.

Our new corporate logo represents who we are – simply GWH. Our new tagline “Building for Life™” is bigger than our previous building and property development positioning, it speaks to the charitable causes we support, the careers we are creating and the enhancement of wealth and lifestyle for our audiences.

It is an exciting time to be part of GWH as we move forward and focus on moving our people forward with this renewed sense of purpose. Embarking on the journey of the GWH ‘why’ has been an amazing and powerful experience.

Jonathan Craig – Managing Director

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